Such a treat to see, feel, touch, the clothes I've seen on the runway. It's hard to explain: it's like running into a film star on the street. You're like 'I know YOU!' ; )
LOVE TO BITS what Ashish did for the A/W season. This post punk pin jumper is actually quite heavy (but not as heavy as the all sequin chanelesque jackets, coming up) so I really do admire the way the models can move around in them. I only moved it onto the stairwell! (and btw: this is a great DIY tip for moth eaten jumpers!!)
I am so torn... I have like a zillion shots I want to show you - I don't want it to be all press day, or all events, and I'm shooting streetstyle, too: which would you prefer? Actually: I really need to show you some of the other parties I went to on Thursday, they were AMAZING and each uniquely different.
Have a lovely lovely Saturday everyone! x0x
Amazing, so inpirational thanks for sharing :) have a nice saturday too! xx
very creative!!!! luv it!!
Love this jumper. Might try a do-it yourself. I've got a tin full of safety pins courtesy of all the dry cleaning I send out. Now I can put them to good use.
Beautiful photos, Jill bean. xoxo
Oh believe me, this cardi is meant to be mine! it's perfect, i love it. and no matter what everyone else says - you can't do this yourself. at least i most definitely can't.
really wasn't keen on the collection but up close, oh boy!
Hey Jil - i decided it's time to get back into blogging properly. I should have been doing it since September really but alas.
I LOVE Ashish. Great pictures also, glad you're getting so up and personal with these clothes.
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