In the early years of our so called courtship - which made Carrie and Big's seem boring by comparison - I used to do 'self portrait' photography with my dad's Pentax, colour slide film, and a large metal tripod which we carried around in the car, mostly upstate in a wonderful cabin in the woods on the Esopus that we rented near Woodstock, NY. Mr. Dot fished while I tried to swim in the shallow rocky streams, and took photos, and drew. There were no blogs back then.

When I started blogging, I felt too silly (and too old) to do 'self style' posts, and besides, unlike a lot of the other bloggers who had boyfriends to shoot them, Mr. Dot had no interest. But every once in a while - like the day we went to the bluebells - he gets all arty on me. He found this spot a few miles from the bluebells, stopped the car, forced me out (still in my bluebell shoot outfit), and started shooting. It was all over within minutes.

You've probably heard me bang on about Shane Watson a lot: she writes for the Sunday Times Style section. Her editorials - along with the Aunt Sally column - are the best part of Sunday morning for me. This week was a double treat: along with her regular column, she also did a great piece called 'Let's stick together'
that starts with Sienna and Jude, but expands into her DTIP (Don't Take It Personally) theory. About this idea that if things don't go our way, we don't have to throw all our toys out of the pram, but can understand, sometimes it's the other person's stuff, and it's not personal.
She's partly talking about fidelity - and distinguishes between not being a victim (she's not saying, for example, Elin should have stayed with Tiger). But it applies to all relationships, Big, or small.
This is all rich, coming from me: halfway thru this post, Mr. Dot and I had a huge blow up because he accused me of losing his wool (he's attempting to darn his own socks: SWEAR TO GOD. This from a guy who can't even make scrambled eggs). I can't tell if he's gotten over it and is happily watching Spring Watch in another room, or if he's stewing, while watching Spring Watch. I'm just trying to not TIP.
Anyway, read the article, it's great. Lace pattern tee shirt dress, still on loan from American Apparel (buy it thru clicking on my ad, right, and I'll get a commission! ; ), tights by Hue, shoes, vintage Prada, wooden bracelet, TU Sainsbury's.. let's see.. copper bull ring a gift from my lovely husband, Mr. Dot, when we first met (his dad, a vet, asked how much he paid for this - from a shop in Hay-on-Wye, and I said I think £20, and he was incensed: 'I could have got you one for free, just pulled it out of a bloody bull', said his dad.) Watch, you've seen before, by Quinn, also a gift from the wonderful, never dull, Mr. Dot.