Spotted and Dotted at Liberty: Georgie, fashion editor/stylist for Tank Magazine, wearing a scary jacket by Richard Nichol* for Topshop. Note her nail varnish: it seems that suddenly everyone is wearing pale turquoise this week. My shade feels too dark: I prefer this colour, it's more Tiffany blue, eggshell blue, than jade, don't you think? Whatever it is, I love it.
What do we think of Richard Nichol, by the way? If you click here, for his A/W 2010 show.. I think he's got some clever, fun things going on here, but I'm not quite sure he's found his voice yet. I loved his bustiers in nude for Topshop ('ashes to ashes') but in the collection, he's got Christopher Kane's giant gingham check, a lot of masculine whimsical references.. I think it's a bit 'watch this space'. Actually, I take it back: I do love a lot of it.
(*It's not Richard Nichol!! I am mistaken: it's ASHISH, perhaps my all time favourite designer!)

Niamh, Georgie's friend and colleague, in such a gorgeous, soft, buttery mustard leather jacket (no clue whose), perfect with a grey tee. Those are her shoes, below: such a fun mix of hardwear and soft wear (haha! Just coined a new phrase! You saw it here first, girls: April 1st. If anyone wants to use it, just ask: I'll let you, for a small fee).

Has anyone seen The Devil Wears Prada? Okay, stupid question. Has anyone NOT seen it? How about The September Issue? I ask because, I'm just wondering if it's a NY/LON thing, or if people in the fashion industry are really really nice in other cities, too. So far, I've only known the loveliest, most generous spirited, non competitive people: mostly women. I mean, these beautiful three, who are all so chic - who understand and work the trends with such confidence - but who are also really warm, friendly.. well, girl's girls.
Left to right: Niamh Brennan-Bernatt, Leo Beamish, and Georgie Maccintyre, all @ Tank.