
pinning it forward: pinterest uk

I love Pinterest.

Of all the social networks available, I love Pinterest the most, I guess, because it's all about image, and, unlike Twitter, I don't have to worry about keeping my words within 140 characters, because it's not about words, it's about images. (And, brevity was never my strong point).

But also what I love about Pinterest is, it's impossible to do the Humblebrag with Pinterest. You know what I mean - the whole self promotional thing. You can't be mean on Pinterest, because it's only about pinning and sharing what you love. Pinterest feels like it's created by nice people. And now, with their UK launch, meeting some of the team, I can see why it feels that way. Because they truly are.

So it stands to reason they'd tie the UK launch in with such a sweet idea: the Pin it Forward UK campaign. I'm chuffed to bits to be part of it. I love the idea of being tagged, it means I've gotten to know two lovely blogs now, Sailor Jennie's who pinned me forward, and now Ellie of Ellie's Favourite Things, who I'm passing the Pin it Forward baton to.

They asked me to chose my favourite board for this campaign. So I chose my RoadTrip23 board, to tie their launch in with mine. I've been moving my blog towards 'lifestyle' - and travel - for a while, and now, really, it's all I can think about. Hitting the road. Seeing the world. And when I'm not travelling, the next best thing is virtually exploring the things I love- architecture, modern homes, and especially, beautiful images of nature.. on Pinterest.

If you're already on Pinterest, feel free to leave your link in the comments so I can follow you, and if you're not yet, you can always sign up and follow me here. And then go check out Ellie of Ellie's Favourite Things, it's the sweetest blog, and a worthy choice by the Pinterest Team.


Anonymous said...

Great post Jill! I totally agree with you in regards to pinning and sharing what you love on Pinterest. Thanks for your kinds words!

I really love that top picture, where in the world is it and how do I get there?

Victoria said...

Hi! I would like to invite you to join my new giveaway and win a pair of sunglasses from Firmoo.com! :)
Visit me soon! ^^


Fashionistable said...

Great intro post Jill. Beautiful board too. Xx

Matthew Spade said...

it's all about the sharing