
portrait gallery: leather & louis

Still from Day Two (I've just finished Day Four, so you can just imagine!). All shot @ Somerset House, before the Osman show. I was burning up in a little sleeveless navy dress, bare legs, black ankle socks & heels, so I can just imagine how people were feeing in all that black leather. It was sooo swimming weather!


The Photodiarist said...

You are getting some of the best pictures I have seen from LFW. Seriously great stuff.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness don't you just love well dressed people?

(Tura) said...

lindo lindo lindo


sofiasophie said...

the man with the hair-band and the "glass" belt is amazing!

i love the striped mini skirt, in red is gorgeous!

StyleSpy said...

I am completely smitten with the the full leather miniskirt and that cream-colored military jacket. Fabulous!

Note to self: leather for fall...