The last day of LFW, what I call Boy's Day, I almost didn't go. Each time I've gone, it's been a mixture of that sad, school's ended and some people have left but a few stragglers have stuck around, feeling. And each time I've had one classic typical fashion industry cliche unpleasant encounter. This time was no exception, but I also met some amazing people, kissed goodbye to a few new friends ('see you next February') and as I stepped off into the glorious sunlight on the Embankment, where they had set up the magnificent Tom's Terrace this year, I came upon a scene that felt like those iconic images of the streets after World War Two ended. You know the shot I'm talking about: that kiss.

I've been getting some interesting feedback lately, it seems the consensus is, people want me to go back to doing strictly street style. Having just written a really long reply in the comments (here), I'm a bit tapped out. And I must get out, it's a glorious fall day. The short answer is, I'm not stopping altogether, Dudettes, it's just.. well you try doing something for 18 months, day after day, simply as a hobby without getting paid.. you kind of burn out after a while. But more importantly, I am at core, an artistic soul, and I can't - won't - clip my own wings, creatively. If that means shooting models, or shows, or shoes, or - like on Sunday, buddhist statues at the British Museum.. I thought the whole idea of a blog is we can put up what we want.

My follower list today, as of posting this, is one short of 1400. I'm assuming after this post I'll drop a few and I'll be sorry to see you go but hey, as my dad would say, that's what makes horse racing: we can't all back the same horse.
Must run. Big kiss.
"I thought the whole idea of a blog is we can put up what we want."
Yeah whatever happened to that? I keep seeing all these rules about blogging like having to fit into a blogging "category" and having to post everyday or you're not serious blah blah blah. You should be able to do what feeds your creativity and not have to follow someone else's arbitrary rules.
THANK YOU, V. And you're my 400th twitter follower: you're like my knight in shining armour!
Jill, do what makes YOU happy. That's what counts. I'll be a follower of this blog forever.
Love what you are posting now - going outside the box. You are so creative. I look forward each day to see what your blog contains
Hey Jill, I agree with @daisychain and @veshoevius (hope I spelt that right!).Your blog should be what you want it to be, not what other people want it to be or think it should be.It is your creative vision and noone else's. I also think that a blog allows you the freedom to evolve-which is obviously what you are doing. It would be different if you were blogging for a publication or magazine and had to conform to their specifications. So just keep on doing what you love and good things will come.....or at least that is what I keep telling myself!
wow this post is very much inspiring jill. these photos have soul, i swear! they are like warm summer evenings with some chilling breeze.
hey Jill!! love the photos you took of jazzabelle! just saw them on her blog and had to stop by and give you a internet version pat on the back! :) your talent continues to inspire me! ps im now doing a photography gsce at night so hopefully i can improve my skills! eek! :) vicki xo
It's your blog and I agree - post what you want! There are enough squeaky wheels getting greased all around the world, getting what they want. No need for you to become just one more used up and tossed away greaser. ;) Some people just don't understand how beautiful it is to just let someone grow without interference. :) hugs!!
Oh, Jill, I really don't think this blog has ever been just about street fashion (well, at least ever since I started following it, over half a year ago, I'd say). I'll tell you what I've already told another blogger. I occasionally start following blogs about fahion, but get easily bored with those where all you can see is girls showing what they're wearing day after day after day. They do it systemtachically and well, no wonder people get bored! I think readers in general look for something else appart from that. I, particularly, need to feel the blogger put her/his heart on it and like getting to know the persona behind the blogger (I mean, not just the photographer or the model, whatever). I know you don't post about what you are wearing (well, you hardly ever do), but post about what other people are wearing. But this blog in't just about that. There's always a story behing each situation and I think that's what I like about your blog. It's something pretty to look at plus interesting contents.
It's funny, Jill. Just today I've been thinking about you and how it must feel to prowl the streets EVERY DAY and approach people to take their picture. I adore your work, but I don't mind at all if you change your content, because in the end I'm interested in sharing and being inspired by your creativity - not some fixed concept. To me a blog is also some kind of 'self-finding' project and as we change and discover other interests and themes in ourselves our blogs are bound to change. I'll definitely stay with you! xxx
Jill Ive feel like our blogs have grown up and gone to school togeather since we started at the same time, and you know what? I really dont think it has changed. The thing that makes your blog stand out is that you post interesting photos with interesting stories and most of all your personality shines through. To be honest you could post a pile of bin bags and make it sound interesting. I really enjoyed your fashion week shots, mainly because they are so differnt to everyone elses and I love seeing models. I wouldnt worry about loosing a follower I have had this happen twice and to be honest you do think 'huh what did I do wrong' but most likely it is just that the person stopped using google reader. I think even managing to keep our blogs going for so long is a major achievement when I look down my blog roll (which really needs updating) and see so many bloggers who have thrown in the towel. I also have to admit that through no ones fault I dont read all the blogs I did even a month ago sometimes you just change what you read its human nature. I can also say that my group of regular commenters changes too, there are a mix of new friends and those that have been there since the start like you and our darling Roz. Ok this comment is so long I forgot what my actual point was now ha ha xxxx
Jill- I love your blog and I always have. Yes, I discovered it as a Streetstyle blog, however I love that you don't restrict yourself to just shooting one thing. Keep up the fabulous work, I will always keep reading!
really loving everyone's comments. the toughy in this situation is in the name of your blog, i think. it is, after all, called 'street style london' so clearly people that have never been here before will expect to see, well, quite simply... street style in london. but i think what you offer is a lot more than that and a lot more personal. you don't just get a a stream of photos of people from one street on one given day... you get a story and you get a sense of you who are personally. which is definitely what drew me to your blog before we had ever met.
i disagree with some of the comments made on the other post that street style photographers are all starting to post on shows/models etc. sure, the sartorialist has... and sure, now bloggers are gaining access to fashion shows and you can't help but post on it if you go. it's inspiring and you want to share that. i know i do, at least.
ok, i could go on rambling for ages but the main point i am trying to make is... that newbies will inevitably be confused by the lack of street style that sometimes takes place on your blog BUT if they took 30seconds and read the post they would get it and they'd add themselves onto your THOUSANDS of followers at the wee bottom of your blog.
keep it up jilly jill. your blog is great. xx
I'll love this blog forever and it'll be one of my favourites until the end, because you always tell something, and I even learn english with your posts. It's interesting, it's funny, it's full of stories and feelings. It's kind of like reading a book, you can't just look at the pictures. You need to read the whole story. It doesn't matter if it's street style, models, or runway shows. You always make it interesting.
Btw! The blonde girl in the first picture is in my class!
Oh, jeez, you guys are making me cry!
'Thank you' seems to facile: I am really, really touched and grateful for each of you to take the time to write what you did. It's funny: words, little pixels of black on white on a screen, have the power to make us happy or sad or angry.. today you've made me really happy.
I can't reply to each of you - well, I will, on your blogs, in time, you'll get heaps o' replyness - but Jen, just wanted you to see I've taken on board your suggestion, hopefully my new strapline will clear up that confusion. I'm stuck with the 'streetstyle london' url for the time being as that's my blogger name but eventually I can phase that out.
Carrott: if you see the blonde girl please tell her! How funny.
BIG HUG everyone. And don't forget: Roz is in hospital now so if you want to get involved in doing anything for her just let me know.
Yay Jill! See everyone is supporting you no matter what direction you roll! Good points too ms style crusader!
personally i love the way your blog has grown and being really enjoyable, this post is a great example. some great shots here capturing people in their natural state. don't change jil!
I absolutely love-love-love your blog! It is awesome and you should continue doing just that- being your awesome self and posting whatever is on your mind!
I do have a question tho: What do you do for a living if you don't really make money off this blog? I'm sure i would find it somewhere if i were to look hard enough, but I'm just wayyy too lazy! Hope you can forgive me;)
ditto to what SabinePsypnosis said.
Jill, i'm a forever follower and forever friend. keep doing what YOU want, and those interested in the conversation, photos and writing will continue to come here. xoxo
Yours was one of the first blogs I followed when I first got into this thing/world whatever it is. Do what you want, I think it's great and I am not going to unfollow you because of a little change. Thank you!
What I love about your blog is the personality you bring to the photos and the little details that develop it from an image to an actual moment in time... If that makes sense! Each post has such a unique slant to it and I look forward to reading whether on the bus on my way home from work or sat vegging on the sofa! Keep being inspired and I like so many others will be will be with you every step of the way!
You know what, I agree with all the people here who say that they love the way you capture little moments in time! Surely "Streetstyle" can incorporate more than just what people are wearing? I would be enormously sad to think that we had reached a point where the only thing that defined the "style" on the street was clothing!
I was about to write "well, that's just my opinion", but clearly it's not - clearly it is the opinion of each & every person who you have touched with your fabulous blog!
do not let yourself being directed by others. do what you love doing and we love your work, whatever you do!
Jill, this is YOUR blog! It should express your personality, your thoughts, your art on any given day. Since you change over time, your blog will and should do so too. And change is good, even if some of your readers want to "stand still".
The kiss pic is fabulous!!!
Cheers and enjoy yourself.
Agree with Pearls comment but I would also like to say that I had a bit of a mini blog breakdown back at the beginning of June when I found myself in tears and asking the question "what is the point". A few days later I was missing it so much and now find myself in a position where I am so short on time due to hospital visits, there is no time to post or to keep up with you all but like Pearl, I find your blog interesting and always, always thought provoking xx
Amazing! These folks wear so stylish hair styles!
and love your photographs!
" I can't - won't - clip my own wings, creatively."
Nor should you. I love whatever you do, because it's your MIND and your HEART that speak to us, not just the clothes on the street...
Cynthia: THANK YOU.
Thank you all, you lovely lovely people. I can't begin to say how much these comments especially mean to me, this week I really feel excited and enthusiasm about keeping this blog going. Grateful for your support.
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