A few months back, Roz had a vision: to wrap a scissor like a mummy, as art. The really spooky thing, for me personally, is I happened to have done the same thing a few YEARS back. As art. For no particular reason.
Roz's vision was to ask other bloggers to do their creative version. No strings attached. (Sorry, no pun intended). Just to see how far a DIY idea could spread through the fashion blogging community. She's now in the hospital, and didn't get a chance to get this started, so I thought perhaps if we did it, shot it, posted it, put the link on her top post.. might cheer her up.
Mine took me a few minutes to make. I used a small nail scissor, for a smaller pennant. In my case, I posted it to her, but that's not what she's asking: just to post it on your own blogs. (The Eugene Lim brochure, btw, is for a post coming up). You could then wear it as a necklace, if you want. Or simply unwrap it and use it again as scissors.

In Roz's own words:
"The idea of make-do-and-mend has had a real revival over the last couple of years.. I wanted to combine this rediscovered DIY ethic with an (I think, so far) unique idea - sharing and ‘marketing’ a make-it-yourself, identifiable ‘product’ via the internet...simply for the joy of sharing the idea for and then making - as opposed to selling (or buying) - a styled accessory.
Last year I devised and made a simple pendant design - a pair of blunt sewing scissors (or child’s metal craft scissors) wrapped in strips of silk 'bandages' and hung on a chain. Subsequently, I've had a lot of people commenting whenever I wear this ‘mummified’ necklace. I now realise that I made this pendant shortly after I began my blog, and this gave me the idea to put the two together into a novel blogging project.
I want to experiment with the force of the 'blogosphere' to see how far one idea can reach - namely, the mummy's scissors. But the difference is that this is not a publicising-to-sell campaign, it's a 'make it yourself' concept. My aim is to encourage bloggers (and subsequently their readers) and indeed, anyone interested to make their own pendants.. to style it in a personal way for them.
This is therefore not so much selling a product as 'anti-selling it' - getting everyone to create their own version of an idea - a totally not for profit scheme. Another driving idea behind this item is to create something that is not main-stream, as it is taking the idea of a product but 'giving it away’ for the individual to manufacture.
I’m simply intrigued at this point to see how far this might (or might not) stretch as a concept. I would really love it if you were interested in getting involved, but I understand that you're probably very busy."
I hope you're not (too busy). If you'd rather put your link in my comments, I'll be sure she sees them, and it's also a nice way for us to get to know you and your blog. Bit of self-promotion!
Thank you.
p.s. Shame on me for not linking Maya's post when I first did this post earlier today. She had put hers together before I did, based on a group email I sent out. Please take a look, what she did, and wrote, really touched me.
Fantastic ideas. Never would've come up with this. Sure I'm part of this experiment, it's fun and hopefully makes Roz smile.
Here's the link to my contribution:
hi jill! got your email today, such a lovely idea for roz! and your scissors look so cute. i hope she is doing well!
oh, and about the shoot you asked about on my last post, i was the stylist! hopefully will be getting the results soon!
hope you had a good weekend xoxo
Wow, San, I just went to your blog - it's lovely! Anyone reading this, check out:
that is so cool that you did it that quickly and posted it - I mean, I literally just went out in the rain to meet a friend and came back and it was up. Such good karma!
Daniella that's great that you were the stylist, can't wait to see the shots. Thank you. Yes it was great, hope yours was too & hope to see you soon.
This is a beautiful post, Roz will be truly touched. I'm just about to do a post on her now. I don't have any suitable scissors so I thought a simple shot of her in the dress she made specially and posted might be enough to signpost people to her blog and let her know that many people she's never even met are thinking of her.
On a separate note, just checking you're getting my email replies and that the 'chain' hasn't broken?! We WILL have fff before too long! x
Here is mine Jill:
P xx
what a sweet idea, look forward to seeing peoples results
Yeah! It's taking off!!! I love everybody's version. I have to say so far San's is my favorite.
I wrapped my scissors in black silk ribbon and attached a metal rose button, plus fake white pearl necklace. I had everything at home, only had to buy a string of pearls at Michael's (which was very inexpensive).
Go Roz! Go Jill! I am sure your post is cheering her up!
This is why most of us do it probably (I mean why we are blogging...) just to be there for each other and encourage each other, make our lives better somehow...
Roz had emailed me about this a few months ago too! What a lovely idea Jill to think of getting it started for her. I will get mine done!
UO x
Thanks for your nice comments and the shoutout, everyone. I think it's a small way to say thank you to Roz, she's such an inspiration.
I think there will be many more.
Thanks for the link, Jill, you really did not have to. And thanks for such an encouraging comment on my blog. I can somehow relate to Roz, but can't we all? We all have our own pains- whether it's physical, emotional, some kind of addiction etc... her scissors to me symbolize that pain in our life: it's a sharp and dangerous object. by mending it in silk or lace or whatever we used- we are creating something beautiful, learning to live and enjoy in spite of all the problems we face.
Such a wonderful thought, Jill.
i don't know Roz very well but she is in my prayers anyway, i can't imagaine what she is going through but any way to help is always a good thing heres my link for Roz
It's such a wonderful idea! I'm so glad Roz is better and out of hospital and I can't wait to help spread the idea around.
Amazing blog!
From Kate at-
www.styleisalwaysfashionable.blogspot.com xxx
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