Before London Fashion Week started, I - like most of us - started getting bombarded with PR stuff. I mean, I do all the time, but it really heats up before fashion week. This is such a contentious topic for anyone who blogs about fashion. We know that what we do with our blogs is spread the word, and the PR people know that, and it's flattering yet insulting, because while they're getting paid, we're not.. but we also want tickets to the shows and there's the whole free stuff issue.. anyway, when Topshop sent me a really polite brief letter, respecting my time and not sending big file attachments (a real sore subject with me) just telling me about a brand called GOODONE, well, that got my attention.
Good manners, especially in the world of fashion PR, REALLY get my attention.
Goodone is a sustainable fashion collection of knitwear made of recycled or overstocked knitwear. Topshop is carrying ten items - not available online, only at their flagship, Oxford Circus branch - and I liked the way it looked. So I asked if I could borrow some clothes to do a shoot - no fee for any of us - and they said, sure why not?

It was all done so easily: I was delivered all the items last Friday and waited for it to stop raining. Finally, last Wednesday I contacted a bunch of friends and to my delight, every single one I asked said yes, and took the time to meet me the next day. That alone moved me beyond words. AND the sun came out. It was such a lovely little get together. And I got so many good impromptu shoots that by dinner, when I met Shini and Jen, we didn't even need to do any more shooting.
This is the first in a series - I'll be doing it during the next week or so. You might remember Emily, or Emelia, from Together We Have a Voice. She showed up in jeans and the white shirt and leather jacket. The black body is by Goodone, and it's thick and strong enough that you can wear bare skin and no bra and it looks just amazing. Don't you think? I've been playing around with this post for hours: can't seem to say it succinctly, and can't choose between the photos because I like them all. Maybe it's because I'm home with this sore throat bug, but I'm just being really indecisive today. I had this whole voting system, with runners up, just to choose the top shot (ha! Top Shot! Top Shop! Get it? Never mind). And, after all that, I have no idea if I chose the best.
If you want to use any of these photos (or, the runners up) to spread the Topshop/Goodone word, go ahead: please just let me know via a comment or email. Maybe even show us the link. I just want to show how easy fashion shoots can be, so they can let us all do this kind of thing again in the future. My thinking is: if we show them our collective power, if we show them that together, we do have a voice.. well, anything's possible.
So, I love the idea of repurposing sweaters in a new and creative way- way to go Goodone! And your photo shoot thus far looks great. Can hardly wait to see the rest.
PS: I wish I had your pull to be overwhelmed with PR. no such luck, just the occasional wierd form letter asking me to put a free advert on my site for a product that is so NOT the Citizen.
xo to you, Jill. and rock on.
Oh goodness, I love that body!
I love the Top Shot. That jumper is AMAZING!
Oh Rosebud I didn't mean it like that - I hope you don't think I was bragging. In your case also I think it's cause you're in California (LUCKY YOU) not NY/London/Paris/Milan. And again - it IS flattering to be in a company's radar.. look, it's like George Clooney said on Desert Island Discs (a long running BBC4 Radio show here) when asked if he's tired of the lack of privacy that comes with fame and he said of course it's not fun, when you're on holiday or something and jsut want to relax but then he said, look, I've seen what fame can do to people (his aunt, Rosemary Clooney, didn't handle fame well) but then he said he's got the best job, he gets paid well to do what he loves, and he feels that it's wrong to complain about it when people are doing such worthy jobs for less pay.
Not that I'm getting paid mind you! But what I guess I'm trying to say (having a slight fever makes me take even longer to get to my point) is it's an honour to be on ANYONE's list, frankly. But there are days that I do strike back. Especially when people send me - unsolicited - high res images of Lady Gaga wearing their client's dress.. don't get me started on large file attachments I just think it's rude rude rude! Besides, like you said, that is so NOT the Polka Dot ; )
Daishchain: I assume you mean the clothing but she does have a great body, too. And Shopgirl, I'll tell Topshop you said so ; )
that bodysuit is incredible! gorgeous shots jill. also adore her outfit that she showed up in! she's got such a retro glamour about her. that whole range by topshop is really incredible... i just wish it wern't so darn expensive! can't wait to see more shots! xx
What a really great idea to recycle old jumpers and make them into stunning pieces, I like how you noted it was strong enough to go bra-less these things are very important!
I have to agree PR freaks me out sometimes and I am sure I must seem a bit rude not sending replies to them all but sometimes I just cant cope with the sheer quantity! It is hard to balence the give-take too, but mostly Pearl is pretty expensive ;-) I love to help out new designers etc but when some huge multimillion companies want ads or copy for free I really think they have such a nerve! I have done some work in advertising and I know how much glossies and google ad words cost so know when they are pushing it. That said most PRs are absolutely lovely to work with and I am really happy promoting and working with the brands I do, it is an honour to be so well thought of.
I do hope you are feeling better soon, I had that bug and couldnt shake it for two weeks, Strepsills and whiskey is my remedy!
I got quite a few PR emails in the lead up to LFW too - makes it even harder when you can't follow up some of the ones you want to because you're not actually in London!
This looks like a great initiative, and I'd love to have the oppurtunity to get my hands on some of those pieces to style and photograph..
Oh, and I loved the Mark Fast pics n your last post - the fringing looked amazing when captured in movement.
That bodysuit is gorgeous! I really love it!
It's funny because the other day one girl in my class was wearing the trousers from American Apparel from the other post and I don't know, I remembered it!
I'm just impressed by how they've considered the issues of throwing away old stock and made it into something so beautiful!
Oh S you should see the whole collection! This is just the start. (well hopefully you will: in stages).
Carrott: I love when that stuff happens. Everything's connected ; )
Roz: I thought of you - I so wish you were in London! Alas I had to return it - I think I had the only samples possibly. Yes this did feel Fastian!
Jen: I'm guessing this is one of the lesser expensive of the range (that and a pair of leggings/knit trousers). It's from £75 - £225 I think, so this might be about £75- not cheap. But it feels like a very limited edition, original line.. I just love the idea and hope it can grow. Theoretically each items is slightly different.
great photos. I love the shirt
simple but really gorgeous shots I have slight reservations when it comes to asking for samples for photo shoots that I know I need to do for my own blog, and Runway Passport, but by here its obvious to see that it can be so easy, without fuss, how fashion can be sometimes. x
Love your photo shoot for the company...Sheila :)
Love your photos..you have a great way of showing your models so relaxed and real
seems like you are really doing well and are happy over there. Great photo's miss you
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