It's that time again. Let's play Guess Which Designer.
Anyone? There's no prize, no giveaway. No incentive whatsoever. Except... nah. I'll save the sunglasses for a REAL competition.
Okay, I see you need a little hint. Their initials are DK. And no, they're not in NY.
Come on, it's not like you have anything to lose.
There's a little game I've played with myself, at catwalk shows. It's really tricky to catch two models passing each other at the same time and get a decent shot. Miss, and the auto focus bounces off the front row, and you get two bleached out blurry blobs. But sometimes.. you just get lucky.
David Kuma? =)
Aah, I see someone already beat me to it - David Koma! He did some interesting silhouettes this season. I spent ages looking throguh the LFW website, saving all my favourite looks to a folder, and I think two of his designs were put in it.
Thanks for your sweet comment - it's definitely not too late! In fact I'm working on the project right now.. The launch date has just been pushed further and further back unfortunately.
WOW you two are amazing: that was 9, and 13, minutes into the contest! A record ; )
I really should come up with a prize. Sure Roz just let me know when. Thank you.
this picture really is perfect, jill! what a lovely shot. the silhouettes are beautiful, i adore the pleats/flounces in the dresses. xx
Yup, David Koma - was there too! ;)
Excellent shot x
oh, beautiful snapshot image! capture the moment, sweets! ;) xoxo
Ah - one I actually knew. But I'm too late now!
Love getting two models passing - as you say - not always v easy :)
liked the cut of these dresses
awesome creation..:)
I love those dresses. They are fantastic. Never heard of David Koma, now I'm in love.
Have a great weekend.
koma koma. me like. gorgeous shots! wish you a wonderful weekend
thanks for this so inspiring blog
Wonderful dresses and great pictures... but oh my, I would not have known this. Really have to work on my fashion blogger knowledge!
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